Monday, December 31, 2007

Its that Time of the Year

Ahhh , I haven’t been updating blog often. It is not that work pressure or blog – fatigue. Its just ”Madhavness” had not stuck me.

As year 2007 draws to close all forms of media is devoted to best of 2007 lists. I find myself in reciprocative mode. The year 2007 for me has been a nice ride a few nice things and few no so nice things.

Three memorable ones

3. I was lying down on my car’s hood munching hot waffles dipped with sweet corn syrup on a beautiful sunny day. A crow flew by and tried to snatch the waffle, and in the process corn syrup bowl fell. There was this sticky sweet syrup all over me. By the time I could clean, there was this swarm of house flies all over trying to suck the corn syrup out of me, I started shooing those bugs away. United we stand... these house flies flew, as they flew they took me away with them, I was screaming real loud….. Before anything could happen to poor little me, I woke up in a shock just to realize it was just an other nightmare, rubbing those twinky winky eyes and laughing all over the crazy hallucination I went back to bed. Now that was the scarist night-mare i have had till date :-( !!!!

2. I had taken a month long vacation and gone home, I was sitting at the balcony of my home and enjoying the warmth of afternoon sun. I noticed a bunch of young kids playing Hide and Seek on the road. There was this little girl who as supposed to seek, she promptly started counting covering her face with her arms against a huge jack fruit tree. All other kids hid themselves few took a cover on the roof, few stood behind the compounds peeping the if the seeker has come that way and quickly ducking under and others ran far I could not see them. I was curious how the fast little one will seek for her friends, I was keenly observing boy-o-boy this little one turned out be a spoil sport. After promptly counting she calmly walked home without even attempting to find anyone. The kids who were hiding were tired of hiding after 20 to 25 mins every one came out and started cursing that kid for spoiling the fun yet again. The kid was street smart. Wish I was as smart as the kid

1. Best one to close the year. I just read this review of Tare Zameen Par – An Extract of the Reviw

If Aamir Khan Did Not Make Taare Zameen Par: A Movie Un-Review

If you want to know how good Taare is, just go to your nearest theater and watch the people coming out after the show. The cacophony that surrounds a crowd exiting a theater will be missing. Some would be walking in slow motion. Some would look petrified. At least that’s what happened in the theater I went to. Not a single soul was talking after the movie, probably because what everyone saw on screen was not fiction, but a semi-biography of his/her own life. I know only Aamir can make a film like Taare. But let us assume he did not make it (dream on!).

What would the film have been like?

If Karan Johar made Taare

Obvious starcast:
*Shah Rukh Khan as the arts teacher (duh duh duh!!).
*Aryan Khan as the dyslexic child (even if he could not act for nuts).
*Rani Mukerjee as the kid’s mom (assuming Kajol is unavailable).
*Abhishek Bachchan as the kid’s dad.
*Amitabh Bachchan as the school principal (who cares if the role is ultra minute, he can afford it).
*It would be shot in New York to appeal to the NRI audience.
*The story line would obviously be different. SRK would fall for the dyslexic kid’s mom. The last scene would have the mom running to the teacher rather than the kid. And again, like in so many other movies, SRK would get someone else’s girl.
*It would have one dance number.
*The film would be titled ‘Kuch Taare Zameen Par.’

If Farah Khan made Taare

Obvious starcast:

*SRK as the teacher (yawn).
*In the original Taare, Aamir makes an entry at the interval point. In Farah’s version, SRK would be on screen on for 2.30 hrs out of the 2.45 hrs and would be introduced in the first scene itself.
*The story would be changed to make sure the above happened. The focus of the film would be a teacher who helps a kid fight dyslexia.
*To make it a complete entertainer, there would be a romantic angle, comedy, and action thrown in. Oh idea!! Nikumbh’s character likes another teacher and the kiddo helps him.. throw in some comedy moments there and you have romance and comedy settled. For action.. hmm.. lemme see.. oh yah, the kid gets kidnapped and the teacher fights the baddies to save him. Wow!! I’m quite an imaginative writer. I can see how Farah can write a film from scratch in two weeks straight.
*The film posters would have a big SRK with the tiny image of the kid in the background.

Foot Note:

New Year's Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. ~Mark Twain

A Very Happy New year to all of you