Monday, December 31, 2007

Its that Time of the Year

Ahhh , I haven’t been updating blog often. It is not that work pressure or blog – fatigue. Its just ”Madhavness” had not stuck me.

As year 2007 draws to close all forms of media is devoted to best of 2007 lists. I find myself in reciprocative mode. The year 2007 for me has been a nice ride a few nice things and few no so nice things.

Three memorable ones

3. I was lying down on my car’s hood munching hot waffles dipped with sweet corn syrup on a beautiful sunny day. A crow flew by and tried to snatch the waffle, and in the process corn syrup bowl fell. There was this sticky sweet syrup all over me. By the time I could clean, there was this swarm of house flies all over trying to suck the corn syrup out of me, I started shooing those bugs away. United we stand... these house flies flew, as they flew they took me away with them, I was screaming real loud….. Before anything could happen to poor little me, I woke up in a shock just to realize it was just an other nightmare, rubbing those twinky winky eyes and laughing all over the crazy hallucination I went back to bed. Now that was the scarist night-mare i have had till date :-( !!!!

2. I had taken a month long vacation and gone home, I was sitting at the balcony of my home and enjoying the warmth of afternoon sun. I noticed a bunch of young kids playing Hide and Seek on the road. There was this little girl who as supposed to seek, she promptly started counting covering her face with her arms against a huge jack fruit tree. All other kids hid themselves few took a cover on the roof, few stood behind the compounds peeping the if the seeker has come that way and quickly ducking under and others ran far I could not see them. I was curious how the fast little one will seek for her friends, I was keenly observing boy-o-boy this little one turned out be a spoil sport. After promptly counting she calmly walked home without even attempting to find anyone. The kids who were hiding were tired of hiding after 20 to 25 mins every one came out and started cursing that kid for spoiling the fun yet again. The kid was street smart. Wish I was as smart as the kid

1. Best one to close the year. I just read this review of Tare Zameen Par – An Extract of the Reviw

If Aamir Khan Did Not Make Taare Zameen Par: A Movie Un-Review

If you want to know how good Taare is, just go to your nearest theater and watch the people coming out after the show. The cacophony that surrounds a crowd exiting a theater will be missing. Some would be walking in slow motion. Some would look petrified. At least that’s what happened in the theater I went to. Not a single soul was talking after the movie, probably because what everyone saw on screen was not fiction, but a semi-biography of his/her own life. I know only Aamir can make a film like Taare. But let us assume he did not make it (dream on!).

What would the film have been like?

If Karan Johar made Taare

Obvious starcast:
*Shah Rukh Khan as the arts teacher (duh duh duh!!).
*Aryan Khan as the dyslexic child (even if he could not act for nuts).
*Rani Mukerjee as the kid’s mom (assuming Kajol is unavailable).
*Abhishek Bachchan as the kid’s dad.
*Amitabh Bachchan as the school principal (who cares if the role is ultra minute, he can afford it).
*It would be shot in New York to appeal to the NRI audience.
*The story line would obviously be different. SRK would fall for the dyslexic kid’s mom. The last scene would have the mom running to the teacher rather than the kid. And again, like in so many other movies, SRK would get someone else’s girl.
*It would have one dance number.
*The film would be titled ‘Kuch Taare Zameen Par.’

If Farah Khan made Taare

Obvious starcast:

*SRK as the teacher (yawn).
*In the original Taare, Aamir makes an entry at the interval point. In Farah’s version, SRK would be on screen on for 2.30 hrs out of the 2.45 hrs and would be introduced in the first scene itself.
*The story would be changed to make sure the above happened. The focus of the film would be a teacher who helps a kid fight dyslexia.
*To make it a complete entertainer, there would be a romantic angle, comedy, and action thrown in. Oh idea!! Nikumbh’s character likes another teacher and the kiddo helps him.. throw in some comedy moments there and you have romance and comedy settled. For action.. hmm.. lemme see.. oh yah, the kid gets kidnapped and the teacher fights the baddies to save him. Wow!! I’m quite an imaginative writer. I can see how Farah can write a film from scratch in two weeks straight.
*The film posters would have a big SRK with the tiny image of the kid in the background.

Foot Note:

New Year's Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. ~Mark Twain

A Very Happy New year to all of you

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Creativeness in me ;) Part II

Dear Friends I wish ...................

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Creativeness in me ;) !!!!!!!

Joblessness helps uncovering my hidden talents. Tuesday morning nothing better to do, I created this piece of art using MS Paint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If your little brains cant decipher it. It is our very own earth !!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Cheat Codes for a Pampered Kid

Posted by: Madhava Prakash at Indian Bloggies

As a kid I was very bad with numbers, rather I am no good even now. Just to make sure I clear the subjects involving numbers, my parents had taught me a few amazing improvisations. I still keep wondering how these things work so perfectly.

Cheat Code 4: Multiply by ‘9’

This one is simple and cool. To multiply any number between 1 and 9 by 9. Hold both the hands in front of your face, - fold the finger corresponding to number you are multiplying. ( For eg 4*9, fold the forth finger). Count the number of fingers before the folded finger (in this example 3) then count the fingers after the folder finger (in this example 6), answer is 36.

Cheat Code 3: Multiply by ‘11’

We all know to multiply any number with 10 – add ‘0’ to end of the number. There is an equally easy trick to multiply any two digit number with 11.

Take any two digit number, imagine a space between them, lets take an example 72.

Now add the two numbers together in that space

7(7+2)2 = 792 is the answer.

If the number in the middle results in a two digit number, just insert the second number in the sopace and add 1 to the first.
Example 74


(7+1)14 = 814
It works always

Cheat Code 2: Divide by ‘5’

If you want to divide any number by 5, just add the same number to itself and put a ‘dot’ before the last digit.
For example if you need to divide 12 by 5...12+12 = 24 and putting a dot befor last digit makes it 2.4

Cheat Code 1: Square of a number

If you need to square a 2 digit number ending in 5, you can do so very easily with this trick. Mulitply the first digit by itself + 1, and put 25 on the end. That is all!(25)2 = (2x(2+1)) & 25

2 x 3 = 6


This is all I remember. If you find it useful please leave me a small comment. It makes me feel good. Come on I am not the only dumb kid with numbers :).

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Doubt !!!!!!!!!!!

Early moring Eric walkes into Madhav’s cube .....

Madhav : Good Morning .... How are you ??
Eric : Good and you ??
Madhav: Not Bad ... Thank you
Eric : Did you check the mail from An And ......
Madhav : wat @#$!@#$!@# (With my eye brows raised)?? Say that again
Eric : An And Mehta
Madhav : Oooooo Aaaanad
Eric : Madhav, .... you always trick me.... and teach me wrong stuff
Madhav : Excuse Me (Grrrr) !!!!! Wat wrong did i teach you .....
Eric (Pointing to a cabe across me): Wat do you call him ??
Madhav : Ananth ....
Eric : Both are written the same way .... Ananth and Anand guy is.......... An Anth and other is Aaaanand ......!!!!

Felt like banging my head against the desk a dozen times. Americans gets Weird Doubts !!!!

Friday, August 3, 2007

How to identify a Software engineer? - Courtesy Harini Aparna

1. He/She never bargains… No wonder things have become so costly!
2. When a cab/bus passes by and you see all the commuters in it are sleeping like they haven't slept for years…
3. Dilbert or Calvin is their favorite cartoon…
4. Words like issues, tracker, raising requests, buzz/ping, compile, delete [unlike erase or rub it off], onsite [n not abroad is what 'foreign land' is called] are the ones that would be used by 'default'…
5. Weekends are holy words… they are like a salvation one seeks for…
6. "Wazzzup", "Hows life?", are few obvious questions one will be greeted with which would be immediately followed by "how's work?"
7. Salaries, work etc are always better or in good shape in other companies than the one he/she is currently in…
8. They don't send or take things… they always forward them!
9. Drinking coffee is the most pleasurable thing they think they do in the entire day…
10. They seek a search engine in just almost everything they do… When I forget where I have kept my things at home the first thing that comes to my mind is "I wish there was a Google search for my room".
11. Mondays are always blue…
12. All of them will have a dream to do something in life and that something would never be what they are doing right now…

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Posted by Madhava Prakash at NDTV

Gossip: idle talk or rumor, esp. about the personal or private affairs of others:
Gossip: talk about private affairs.

Hey do you know Chintu is behind Bubbly ??
Dude Deeps…. Viky proposed vidy!!!!!!! (Viky Sorry i have gossiped on you dude)
KTz has a girlfriend now !!!! (Karthik yday i told Deepu.. I culd not hide it for long)
Chinky and Mintu were found kissing in the park it seems!!!!!!!

These are the kinds of gossips I am nurtured with. I have always been involved in Gus Shups through out my schooling, during college life and I haven’t given up this habit even at work. Just the names have changed... Andy..Cindy....Sheri....Mike :). Yes I gossip. I have tried hard to stay away…. but just cannot resist keeping myslef far form such pep talks. I guess it is coded in my DNA to be attracted towards Gossip.

In recent times I have noticed gossip bug has affected Journalism the most. And I thoroughly love it. Check of it.

* Nehruji’s affair Edwina Mountbatten, wife of Lord Mountbatten
Guys buckle up your imagination!!! All of the three are dead, Is it worth making this a news and covering this in all news channels and newspapers as headlines for no cause ??.

* Rani Mukherjee to marry Aditya Chopra
No clue on how true is the fact, but then should Rani not marry huh ??. Will we incur any financial loss if she marries Aditya. But still I follow this gossip in all news channels.

*Bipasha and Ronaldo
Forget Indian Media, global media is also with all Gus Shups. Media wants Jhon and Bips to break up desperately, so that they can hook up Bips with new tictic Roshan and make new news... All the best Media!!!!!! . More over its not new for Bips, she has already been in the eyes of Media with couple of relations by now isn’t she ??
Now read this Jhon and Bips are split

*Ash Abi Affair – leads to rivalry between Bachchans and Khans
Guys for your kind perusal – Big B and SRK hate each other to core now. Just google for Bachchan + SRK ( ). Google brings you all the hatred between Khans and Bachchans.

Whatever it is. Its lot of fun to read such stuff !!!!!

Foot Note:
Dude, prices of vegetables in Chennai have come down it seems !!!
- Yeah I know that. Jayalalitha is on diet from past one week.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Rastrapathniji Ram Ram !!!!!!!!!!

Pratibha Patil has become a celebrity from nowhere when UPA alliance proposed her as a presidential candidate. No one did know she existed before this.

Italian lady has made a very wise move by nominating Mrs. Pratibha Patil as UPA's choice so that she can have another puppet in her hand. Mind you she already has one our great Sardar.

We all know President of Republic of India will not have much powers but still it is the most respectable position in the country. Is there no better eligible person at all in the country ?? Why did either the ruling body nor the opposing body support Mr. Kalam when he was open for for second term on people's demand ?? We have no answers !!!!

UPA wants Pratibha just because if elected she will be the first Woman to be chairing the constitution. No one bothers to think is she the best !!!!!!!!

Pratibha comes to head India Inc with following honours:
1. Found "Pratibha Mahila Sahakari Bank" subsequently it’s license revoked in 2003 for misappropriation of funds.
2. Suspect in a Murder Case also alleged of false witness to protect her brother in a murder case.
3. “Sant Muktabai Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana” - a sugar factory found by her is liable to bank huge funds
4. Ultimate I should call her. She has powers to speak to spirits. Check it in her own words

Dear Italian Lady if you need a woman president please nominate Bharaka Dutt or Sagarika Ghose or Mrs Sudha Murthy.

Any day any of the above three are better Rastrapathnis !!!!!!!!!!

Foot Note:
What does BE from Bangalore mean in London ??
Bombing Experts !!!!!!!
Bomb Engineers!!!!!
Bangalore is renowned for its brilliance. Lets keep it nice and clean.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Veni, Vidi, Vici - Happy Birthday

Veni, Vidi, Vici - 47 BC - Julius Caesar used the words against Pharnaces II of Pontus in the Battle of Zela.This is a famous Latin Phrase meaning I came, I saw, I conquered. Caesar used it to proclaim the totality of his victory (Caesar was in midst of the civil war). Bow down to his confidence in his own self.

I Came, I Saw, I conqured ……But :(( boooooo woooo ….. I have to say ….. Veni, Vidi, Velcro

Veni, Vidi, Velcro ------ I came, I saw, I am Stuck around !!!!! Even after completing silver Jubilee of life on mother Earth …I feel I am stuck …Yes still stuck ……. Without having “Mazil” - “Goals” - “Aim” - “Ambitions” - “Lakysh” …. I am still a aimless wander, a nomad, still trying to figure out what I am best at !!!!!!!

Every one is born with Inborn Talent, which they have to dig deep and find out to pursue excellence.

Madhav has started a search of his hidden talent ------- Mission - Maha Kojh ---- is the official name. He is considering fields of Sketching, Gardening, Painting, Singing, Acting, Mathematics, Science, Sports, Hore Riding, Poultry, Teaching, Fishing, Sailing, Treasure Hunting, Witch Craft, Cooking, Ghost Hunting, Driving, Farming, Art of Theft, Priestism and finally Politics.

Mission Kojh is officially commenced on 6th of July 2007. Eventually it is Madhav’s birthday too …..

Happy Birthday Dear Madhav ….. Have a bast out dude

Lets roll it out from Veni, Vidi, Velcro to Veni, Vidi, Vici

Foot Note:

* Julius Caesar is a Cancerian as as Madhav.
* Prathiba Patil if elected as a president of India.. Should we have to call her Rastrapatni huh ?? I am still thinking
* Dear Geeks -Veni,Vidi,Codi = I came, I saw, I coded.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


It is Independence Day eve here in Milwaukee. People come from far parts of the country to lake shore and enjoy an hour long Independence Day fireworks. I spotted an old man with his pet iguana in the crowd. Seeing a lizard….. I am lost in the memories of my childhood again, this time I have traveled years behind.

Wrooooooooooom Black and White

Background: Class 5, Biology - Darwin Theory – Evolution….I was taught by biology teacher Lizards have evolved and develop a unique means of defense. Lizards drop their tails to fool predators.

Being a pampered kid then, I was curious to see Lizard’s supernatural powers in real. Luckily one evening I spotted a house lizard on our terrace. I was in a flash to find a broom stick to poke her tail, poor she …… as expected she let go her tail……Geee I guess I would have felt on cloud eleven that particular moment…Coooommmon……. I was still a kid……..This would have ended here if I had not got another extremely good idea. ….Yes!!!! I wanted to see her tail grow back…. Within no moment, plucked a leaf and grabbed her up and locked her in a translucent plastic box and closed the lid tight. I was now able to see her move around in box…Then I carefully hid the box amidst pots…..Some hours later I realized there will be no circulation of air in the box and she will die…. Soon I went back to terrace with a needle and made a few holes in the box…..and also I had to feed her.. I knew lizards eat ants.. so killed a couple of ants and using same needle forced the dead ants into the box ….Used a syringe to feed the box with some water… This continued for a couple of days. Later that week poor thing died coz of my torture……… I never got a change to see how lizards will grow their tails back

My curiosity had led to a brutal murder of a supernatural lizard.

Now Fast Forward 150 years: Wrooooooom

Scene: At the doors of heven in a queue

Life on earth ends, I am charged for all the these lizard murder sins by animal protection rights board in haven…….. Mrs. Menaka Gandhi is lawyer and Steve Irwin is Judge in “Animal Sin Clearance Court”

Menaka: Madhav Madhav you have inhumanly murdered a poor she lizard….you will also be answerable to woman rights protection board

I am pleading to Steve to bestow Mercy on me….
Steve ....Still I tried to be good kid by feeding the lizard her favorite dish Ants …….. Haven't I huh ???

Foot Note 1:

Readers : How do you know it was a she lizard ??
Madhav: I caught her when she was laying egg
Readers: O Gosh, you will be booked by “Child Welfare Board” also .....That tooo Rabri devi and Lalooji will be heading that board........ All the best
Madhav: Why Laloo and Rabri ??
Readers: Dont you know Stupid huh ?? They have 11 children....who else better nows about child welfare aprart from them huh ??
Madhav: God Save Poor Little Madhav boo wooo :((

Foot Note 2:

Yes I will live for 175 years !!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Wah Re Wah – We all are farmers!!!!!!!!

Aamir Khan does not like Media. Now I know the reason why. He does not know how to or what to speak to Media. He has spoken to CNN – IBN claiming he is not an actor.

Seldom I knew Aamir is farmer by birth. Did you guys know it before huh??. I am a big fan (rather AC) of him. Today when he claimed small two pieces of land by justifying he is a farmer by birth and his profession is acting, I am confused and still wondering was he the same guy who played a lead role in Rang De Basanti???

Reputation is built with years and years of hard work and can be destroyed by just three little words. “I am Farmer “

Even Amitabh Bachchan few weeks back was claiming a piece of land posing as a farmer. Thanks to District Magistrate of UP, Hon. Judge denied it. Good that Amitabh did not come to Aamirs level and tried to justify himself.

Both Amitabh and Aamir are filthy rich. They actually are capiable of buying this land at premium rates I do not see any reason as to why they need to cheat the Government by giving false information. Is this not punishable by law??

Guys buckle up. We would like to see you as real life heroes. Do not turn out to be desperado.

And finally! Mr. Aamir, Farming is not a religion it is a profession. You cannot be farmer by birth you have to be a farmer by profession. If you can Inherit farming by birth We are all farmers. Aren’t We???

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wonderful way of writing an Officail mail ... Love it !!!!!!!

--------Actual Mail from one of the Program Managers to us ----------

Courtesy -- Julie Beth Shaw

Okay, kids. Here's the deal. We have had some pretty sad attendance numbers at our last few deployment meetings. I know, I know. You'd rather be watching paint dry or cutting your lawn with a pair of scissors rather than sit through yet another fun-filled deployment meeting. Believe me, this isn't my first chose in activities either. Be that as it may, we only have five more days (gulp!) until deployment starts on June 1st. While the plan is starting to take shape, I really need everyone at the remainder of the deployment meetings to solidify communication plans, go/no go checkpoints, and to give the final head-nod on Plan A versus Plan B. If you don't know what Plan A and Plan B are, you really need to start attending the meetings. There are several tasks that still have outstanding questions or do not have a primary resource assigned; I'll be sending separate follow up emails to the impacted folks. I am planning to freeze the plan at the end of the week, so please review the attached plan and visual timeline and get any changes to me by noon tomorrow (Friday).
So suck it up. We only have a week of this stuff left. Don't make me beg and make puppy dog eyes at you - just attend the meetings. And I don't want to have to make someone much scarier than me bully you into attending.

Awsome way of wriing right ?? Lively yet pusing you to atten meeting !!!!! This is wat i call an art and Julie is a true artist.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Geeks and their Kids !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have come across many kinds of people in what ever short span of live we have lived. The tall, the short, the fat, the lean, the good, the bad, the fair, the dark. we will be able to understand all of them to some extent. But then there are these GEEKS.... I love the way they speak . I have been hunting a bunch of Geeks from an ambush.

Learning are being recorded and documented...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. They are cryptic in their speech. It doesn't make sense unless you are a GEEK yourself, like you ask them..
Level Headed Human Being: Hey heard you changed you phone number whats the new one ??
Geek: To get my new number just do 's/2/0/g' on my old number (Click on that and find it for yourself....keep reading comments you will discover how a GEEK understands another GEEK)

So friends note it down, before you start probing a GEEK ask him or her...... What is your syntax like ??....C ..COBAL... UNIX.....SHELL SCRIPT....?? Do you come with a manual or release notes or Online?? A help command ?? no . ??? At least a ReleaseNotes in a Text file ???

Get that release notes... understand and then start speaking to them :)

2. Ask them to write way for nearest Walmart on a piece of paper.........

*Start 495 N
*CD Exit 19
*CD Capatol Drive
*CD Franklin Avenue
*End Walmart

CD is Change Direction ...... if yo are wondering

3. A project trainee GEEK.... Saurabh are you done with the innovative design for the application....... Madhav I was thinking OUT of the BOX to solve this issue...but then I have forgot the password to come back into the box,

4. Mamm whats is Reliance Call home Toll Free number.... Madhav its soooo easy cant you remember a simple thing ?? ok let me tell you again 1-866-10xlog(3)*COSINE(0)*e-Lan(32) ..... What rubbish

5. If wife is a geek... Honey can you please do the laundry?? ..... File cannot be accessed... Sharing Violation...Access Denied......
Husband still keeps wondering wat did she mean ?? Will she do or not do huh ????

6. Shubha I dint see you at the meeting..... yes Madhav ... 404 error on health .... decipher it as Health Not found ...... :P

7. GEEK'S kids are more interesting as they are the upgraded versions of their parents.... they start speaking in BASIC first ...slowly they learn other languages tooo
KIDS: "10 PRINT "dad" 20 PRINT "dad" 30 PRINT "Could we have some candy please?" 40 INPUT X
DAD: 10 "X=NO" 20 PRINT "Over and out"

8. At school these GEEK kid exhibit a different talent ...........

Teacher: Rahul what is the capital of Karnataka
Rahul: Lifts his hand up and checking the time in his watch
Teacher:Rahul what are you up to
Rahul: Wait mam downloading the answer 33% complete... dial-up connection just 52 kbps

9. In akasharabhaysa ritual (A ritual of india where in Kids will be taught to write .. usually Father will make his kid to write OM)
GEEK father made his kid write
void main()
printf("Hello, World!!");
Kashi dont deny the fact... I have a photo proof of this :)

At last when two GEEKS are speaking never ever try to listen to their conservation as their conservation is always 128 bit encryption protected. Not even NASA can break it :)

But then we love our GEEKS, its because of them ... we are enjoying life.... online movies ... online gambling.....GPS.....lots of systems...mp3 cameras...

Long Live GEEKS ... AMEN :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Gossip !!!!

A trip back home 50,000 rupees, chocolates and gifts 20,000 rupees, an outing to pani poori gadi with friends 50 rupees, the moments joy, jokes shared, gossips,and who is behind who.. they are priceless.

Couple of days back bunch of us were hanging out at a road side food stall waiting for Gol Gappa and discussing the the sensational topic on earth.... "Celebrity Arranged Marriages". We started our discussion about the Abi Ash wedding but soon the topic got changed to just to sensational arranged marriages. These are some classic ones.

Take One -

An engineer went to look out for marriage proposition. The girl was BE and was looking out for a job. Our Hero wanted a working wife. He was not sure if she would get a job. So he happened to ask her to write a C Program on their first meeting to test her calibre. Jesus !!!!!! Long live Software Engineers

Take Two -

Recently an Engineer brought his Wife to US of A on Visa. As soon as they landed in Newark International airport the girl did a run away act with her old boyfriend. The great Escape. Our Hero was left heart broken in front of Airport. Long live innovative lovers.

There were many such incidents discussed but then Gol Gappa was ready infront of me. Once I see food everything else on earth takes a lower priority. I will be totally lost in the food and no speach penitrates me.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

So, What are your Hobbies ???

So, What are your Hobbies ???
A: Coaching lions n tigers to be man eaters, language classes for insects….classes of spying in office......dishum many more are there

My Mobile: Tring Tring…. Tring Tring … Tring Tring
Superman: Hello Good evening, Thanks for calling 1 – 800 – MADHAV, how can I help you today??
DumbMan: Teri tho sale…Coming out for dinner??
Superman: :) What time .. I am already hungry??
DumbMan: Abhi Chal…neeche Aaja ….

A bunch of us went on an expedition to Indian restaurant…it is 25 Miles drive form the place i call surrogate home. Once we drive away from downtown, it’s a boring drive… empty huge and wide roads just a couple of cars here and there...... lawns of wild grass and flowers on both the sides of roads ..more like windows walpaper, melting snow, some seagulls….I was getting bored, I started tuning into some FM stations.. tuned to 91.7 BBC News…

Host …Welcome to Talk of Town…..Today we have with us Sharon a bug collector..
Good Evening Sharon ...Thanks for coming into the show …..

Sheron… Good Evening and My Pleasure to attend a show

Host.... So Sharon…What are your hobbies apart from collecting bugs??

Eeks It’s the wicked question again “So, What are your hobbies” …. Human race has nurtured this question a long long long way ….. the funniest thing about this question…….9 out of 10 ppl answering this question will bull shit….At least me..... I never had a answer for this question but still I have been bull shitting when ever I am shot with tis question……

On a serious note … Hobbies are no longer personal stuff. Now they are not the private affairs, practised in one's free time to soothen one's nerves. Meaning of Hobby is - auxiliary activity….. it is something which is not your primary activity,,,If my primary activity is to be awake most of the day …my hobby is automically is to sleep….as simple as it …

As a kid when ever relatives use to visit my place they use to carefully extract My First Name..Last Name …school Name ….what class…what section ….whats the teachers name …..friends name ……after they are done with their cencus.. the final blow will come….So What are your hobbies…. At that age I never had any hobby …. But then its Prestige Issue ,,,,, I use to bullshit ….reading and playing cricket …… even though all I played was “I Spy” (Eyes Spice Local Lingo ;))…Lagori (a game played with a ball and couple of stones…bacchas) …. Jooth ata(Catch me if u can) ….I don’t know why are these not classified as Hobbies

As a teenager my answer used to be more refined…I could not afford to tell that I play cricket….People use to feel that I am not studios and wasting lot of time playing……So I use to trick them telling I read novels …..but then they had become wiser tooo……who do u read…..I am a smart chap…. Solid answer …. Sheldon……but reality is I have only read Tinkle ….. Gokul….. Amara Chita katha,,,,chandamama…..apart from Supadi …Shikari Shambu …. Chacha choudry comic strips .. there is nothing much I have read …….

Once we are in college it was tough for me, i had to prepare resumes for projects …interviews….but then I did not have enough stuff to put in it…so I use to fill the resumes with some crazy stuff like hobbies and membership to elite clubs…. In resume also I have bull shitted .. like reading books and traveling …but then its was done intentionally ….. reading to tell world that I am a very studious guy an I know lot of stuff,,,and traveling to tell ppl that I am ready to travel put me onsite…….Once some HR asked me what all places have you traveled as hobby…. I was taken by surprise……. Tricked him some weird non existent village names chakoripur..bimalpur…telling him they were scenic spots in jharkand….in reality my longest journey is between My home n Electronic City …… some 200 times a year coz I use to work there … ;)

Forget Me…Big B and King Khan ….how many times the have asked participants “So,What are your hobbies”….ground reality is they have run out of topics to speak…so they shoot this ugly question for which the standard answer by our aam janatha is watching your stupid movies………Movies have come and gone but the screen names are still Vijay for Big B and Rahul for King Khan ….. and lolz one mimics the other in Movie..DON

Weird thing is that in many old south Indian movies relationships and dating begins with this question “So, what are your hobbies ?? “…… Man this question mighty weapon a lethal one ……. Used on poor little living beigs like yours truly who dosent have hobbies………

By the way what are your hobbies ???

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Picture is worth a million words......

I was checking Times Of India Online Bangalore Edition, and look what i found. These are some rare moments captured. Infosys Chief Mentor and his wife sitting on a pavement as ordinary janatha and waiting for president.
Simplicity redefined. Hats off Sir

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Commercials - 20 seconds of Magic...

Ohh Come on...not again.... another new Pepsi makes me soo sick...Commercials always chooses the right slot to make its appearance.....I still remember some 5 years back ...Whole family at home were watching "Kyunki Saas bhi kabi bahu thi".....where Mihir Virani is back alive and attending Tulsi's wedding with Dr. Mandira....he is near Stage...every one is sooo keenly watching wating for Tulsi to see Mihir and the serial to take a twist .....patak se salla aya eak commercial break and best ugly ad of all times ..... Wah Mohan Babu ...Naya Ghar....This ad is so pathetic even the guy who made will not like to watch it for the second time.......

I also hate ads during Slog Overs of a cricket Match ...... Very rarely India will be performing well in a Match... Sprite Ads and Mountain Dew ads....played between overs alternatively...Puff.....Will these companies will ever grow up huh ??
And those serious scene in a movie will be always be intercepted by wicked Ads.....

But then there are ones which i cherish ... Commercials ka Zamana tha.......... 20 seconds of Magic I should call..... Not many channles where there so as slots for commercials use to be less..... Some of them are

1. Kya Swad hai ....Dairy Milk Chocolate....a cute old ad ...the free style of dace of the girl and the song.... kuch kaas hai ham sabi mein...kcuh baat hai ham sabhi mein.......kya swad hai zindagi mein......I have tried to mimic that dance so many times....but could never got colse to what she has done ...simply awesome

2. Doodh Doodh Doodh ...Doodh hai mast in every season...........Early in the moring when ever i drink milk ...I sing this song........... simple but very sweet...Infact i started liking doodh only after seeing this ad in my school days

3.Hamara Bajaj: "Yeh zameen hai aasman. Hamara aaj, hamara kal.." That song is too good. And the Indian-ness shown was s-i-m-p-l-y wow. The Bajaj scooter is the Indian middle-class family mascot carrying more than 4 people and it isnt any circus feat. It is affordable, easy on maintenance, sturdy, and stylish too. Watch keenly the for the man when his foot accidently touches his for the girl who pays respect for the for the sardar the indianness he brings to Firangi bandi

4.Fevicol is the best when it comes to commercials....They are really creative to core....some of them are ...Poor Mallu fishing with fevicol.....Politician not leaving the sweet.. Song stuck coz of fevicaol......most of their ads are truley amazing

5.Titan Ads for watches are always a pleasure to watch.....the Son Mother love...Father Daughter love.....husband wife love ...rolling tears...even the latest Amirs Ads are good...needlees to comment on the music for the ad

6.Pappu Paas ho gaya...Amitab's charisma and the theme have done wonders to that ad

7.Cute Surf Excel ad..where a young kid fights with pot hole filled with rain water.....Soory boldiya and a smile on his face....its wooooooooooooooooaw

Some Yuck ones are there tooooooo...these are some awsome shits.....

1.Rupa Baniyan ads...Aree Sab Rupa Baniyans phendiya tho roopa kya phenegi

2.All Navaratna Tel ads of Mr. Govinda

3.Oyeeee O.....some guy screems scratching his back...some aurvedic ad.......eeeks

4.Magu Altha ide woodwards kodi maguvige........the woodwards add.. all four generations of daddis will tell they were giving woodwars for their sons....

5.All ads where Indian cricketers perform (Perform in quotes)...this is latest yuck i have developed after worldcup.....

But still as they say there is nothing like bad publicity good or bad...they have done their purpose we still remember them

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Superman’s Dayout…………..

Another day in life went by…….yet another page in the book of my life flipped over……Life comes at me fast, real fast.

Late in the evening… sitting relaxed at a Mexican Restaurant waiting for dinner…I was lost in the thoughts of discussion on Malgudi Days. We has a very enjoyable discussion on Malgudi days today… Several Facts were uncovered….

*Malgudi was unwilled from Mal of (Mal)leshwaram and Gudi of Basavana(gudi). During RK Lakshman’s stay at Bangalore, he use to commute between Malleshwaram and Basavanagudi everyday in bus…..

*Malgudi Days serial was shot in English first, and each episode is just of 25 min…..yes 26 whole minutes of life in it

*Most of the original Malgudi Days videos are there in

*Many decades after it has been written, Malgudi Days still has good readership across the World. Barns and Nobles a Gigantic Book Seller in US stocks copies of Malgudi Days...meaning they have assured sales of this book in the age of Television…truly unbelievable …..

I was lost in the thought of Swamy and his math problems…….Ting Tong buzzed the bell at the restaurant…… “Superman, your order is ready!!! You are all good to go” announced the teller at Restaurant. The Restaurant which was jazzy with lots of noise became lull for a moment…then everybody started laughing…I tooo laughed…. got up from couch collected the packet and walked out of the restaurant

In Flashback…I had waked in to the restaurant full with hunger (oohhhh...yipee.....oxymoron)….

Cashier: Good Evening Sir…..What would you like to have today ??

Madhav: Good Evening…I would like to have a Veggie Fideo….it needs to be a bit spicy…with jalapenos and lots of green pepper (Pepper is our Smila Mirchi)

Cashier: Would you like any drink with it Sir??
Madhav: No thank you!!! I am pleasant without a drink

Cashier: Please have a seat Sir. How should I call for when I am all set with order…..

Madhav: SuperMan with a giggle

Cashier: HA HA HA ..Are you sure…….???

Madhav: Yep !!!!!

Cashier: Man this is Crary !!!!!!!!!!!

Madhav: May be….but I don’t want my name to be called wrong…. so I prefer Superman…….look at my Credit Card,,,can you read out my name please….

Cashier: MAD….HaVE…AAA………………...PRE…..CASH……….

Madhav: Now that is wrong…..its better you use use Superman……

Cashier: I am sorry for reading your name incorrectly ….Sure Sir I will call for SoooooopeMan……..and a broad smile……$ 3 please Mr. Sooperman….

Man Americans are cazy…..I am trying to help them out…..they call me crazy……Next time I will try more Indianized names like Bora ...Muniya … Mama …. Machhaa ….. MagaGabber....;)
Ohhh hold on.......I have an Idea....I like my idea.......Why not i try.... "NANU GOOBE"....."NANU KOTHI"........this is awsome.......I will make the teller call himself Goobe and Kothi......this is cooll....I cant wait till morning.......yippee yet another great idea.....

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Google Inc and I think Alike

And Most of you know the reason why............... :D


Scene: A piece of script failed to work as anticipated on Production Environment.

Client: Hey, this script is not generating reports correctly on production
Me: Ohhhh!!!!! Is it not? I am surprised!!!!!!!
Client: Are you surprised? I am disappointed!!!!
Me: I am sorry… I meant I am disappointed tooo!!!!... Let me have a peek into this and get back to you

Saying right things at right times is Priceless and is an art....... And I am no artist..sob sob ....

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Orkut and Desi Profile - A Casestudy

I am have been going through lots of Orkut Profiles to Deduce a pattern "a desi pattern"....... If you are a Desi...your profile will have these things
1. Your Profile name will be usually a Status Message…
“I am Sick”…. Do you want me to rename my profile as “Take Care Please” huh??
”On Vacation..Yipeeee”…. In reply my profile name will be “I envy you”
”Back In India”……”Good Morning India”….as if all citizens of India were waiting for or Will sun not rise in India if you don’t wish them huh ??
“I got a job in Google”……..Damm It I will stop searching…you screwed my job too!!!!!!!!!!
2. Your profile album will have min 4 pictures out of whcih one of them will be from NewYork/Niagara/ Louvre Museum/Eifel tower/Chicago ;) …… one will be some adventure you have done off late….. as if no one on earth ever travels and everyone on earth are scared….one of the pictures will be those typical desi types where in same gender ppl hugging together for a group snap ….Cha Cha …come on I think positive…but same cannot be expected by all….what will world think of Indians…..But then there will be Occasional pic with a handsome guy or a beautiful female to show you can be straight toooooooo
3. You will have endless membership to Communities...ranging from “Shivajinagar Urdu Speaking Community” to “Aish Fan Club”……….”Ektha Kapoor Fan Club” to “UFOs”…. Total communities memberships can be equated to the total number of starts in universe…..Diversity is deep routed in desi DNA
4. You dont need conference rooms any conducts business meetings using a latest communication revolution ....scraps and scrap books....this has shocked the telecom world ...believe me your buddies will call and ask you check the scrap .....Abyee fultooo you have called me...tell me wats the matter..No No you check scrap book....phones are not secure these days.....God save us please
5. In the Movie section you fill all the movies you have watched till date...Please fill only the movies you like.......Same with books...Experience with past dates.......
6. Finally will be nothing less than your conduct certificate... If there is a case in court Judge can review your orkut profile and then consider passing the judgement..........

Orkut has done its contribution to english vocabulary
"Hey Do you Orkut??"
"I am orkuting!!!"
"Scrap me when you have time"

Lolz.....On a serios note we are clogging the networds, so called donuts by google with our addiction to Orkut. Soon there will be deaddiction centers in India for orkut...that day is not far.
Lets use it in a sane way. Yours truely needs a mending tooo....
Lets bring in common fetures of a Chingy Profile later this month..... ta ta

Monday, March 26, 2007

Being a White Kid is a Challenge .... Puffffffffff !!!!

Monday Afternoon……..Lunch time……. I was heading to cafeteria on 2nd floor from 17th floor ….. I had fellow travelers in the elevator, a lady and a gentleman…And YEAH is a quite a bit of travel from 17th floor to 2nd floor with a change over at a junction on Floor 10 ….so they are termed co-travelers….. Here goes the conversation between my co-travellers

As usual the woman (so the slang bigmouth ;)) starts the conversion…it goes like this

-Hey Scott !!!!!!! How are you doing today??

-Hey Susan !!!!! Thanks I am good and you??

-O thanks Not bad !!!!!!

-How was the Spring Weekend Scott ??

-Ooo It was fun… My son celebrated his 11th birthaday ………

-Hey that’s nice ….was there a party sorts??

-Yeh My Dad and his wife, My Mom and her Husband, My Sisters family and My Brothers family had come over …..

-Ooo that was a bunch of people Scott

-Yes Susan and -Scott smiles ……

Hey its 2nd floor already ...... I got out the elevator…...

I know Scott personally tooo, and he is living with his 3rd wife, not sure the birthday kid is 1st or 2nd or 3rd wife’s kid. One thing I am sure is he has step mothers….many Step Grandpa and Step Grandma…… For each pair of Grandpa and Grandma……..this kid will have Step Uncles and Step Aunts…Offcourse he has a one normal uncle and norm aunt tooo.. … Now each of this Uncle and Aunts may potentially have many spouses……. And each such pairs will make the birthday boy to have loads od cousin brothers and cousin Sisters……… Gosh these ppl live in a Binary Tree Relationship complex society……….

It’s a complex Binary world dude

White Kids Come to India our ministers will give you a reservation in our system………. as you are Relationship Challenged.

Todays’s hour long lunch ……aaah haaaaa……;) was dedicated to poor white kids trauma of remembering who is who……. God save you white kids ;)

P.s. They are challenged by the Global socity, Desi kids give these whies a tough one when it comes to numbers and spellings.....desis kids are tooo smart for these white kids to handel.....may be some other time i will share one of the lively experiece whit you blog ...... I wanted to shate that experience this time.....but sleepy

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dreams Shattered ……… Team India Pack up GuyZ

Greg Uncle, Run away .....We don’t want to see Woolmer repeat in India. Please Board Oz flight…….dare you not to board the Air India ….. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jammy !!!!!!! U bat well, but then you are not the Captain material…….Step down before they ask you to …. Moral responsibility dude ….. learn from our ministers….any railway accident Lallo ji will resign ;) but then he will be called back coz of his political charisma……but don't you worry ...keep you fingers crossed you may be asked to lead ;) when some one else fails to deliver next time around.........

(6+4=TEN)dulkar !!!!!!! Where did ur Visa power go ……. Where did ur Boost energy go ?? Were u the same person who has scored 14000 odd runs ……. Be ready to play for Mumbai next Ranji Season if at all you get selected for that team ..........

Dada!!!!!!! Lady luck saved you dude ……. Two half centuries ……… hmmm you are in for next Series ……..May be you can even dream for your ex-post now……

Veeru …… Puff…… U are not in form from long time…….. Ayeee tell me …tell me …tell me….how were you picked for Worl Cup Squad….. Heard Kangaroo Kiran More got a Merc as gift just b4 world cup Selection….ting ?? ting ?? something ??? something ???

Dhoni 0..29..0…. solid foundation boss !!!!!!!!

Yuvi ……… there is no fun just to be in form……. You need to open your eyes and run….you are turning out to be Inzy’s younger brother

Zaheer bahi……….aaah haaa………don’t know why on earth you are let to bowl the first over…….tell me frankly have we won ever, when you have bowled a bad first over ?? ….remember finals with Aus last time …….. Jammy you need to be superstitious ……Steve Waugh …..he used to believe in his red hanky …it won him many cups……did it not??...... Why Steve even our very own great Madhav believes in such superstitions OK……

Munaf ….dont smile at crease …you are not Sir Viv Richards …….

Mr. Harbajan err Abee Salee Bajji ……. You are fit to play al guli mane with Viru (The game played with tamarind sedds on a wooden board )….. …… I still remember that picture …..that was on front page some time back in ToI

Uttapa ……. Eat uttapam ……… how much was the booty to Dravid to be picked for Worldcup……hope you have settled his account already …..

Finally the dreams of millions of Indians was shattered………. the best wish campaigns…the inspiration songs…..the poojas across the country …… the ads …… the countless discussions with ex-cricketers. Its all over ……sob sob…

Unclehood and Auntyhood Lolz

Hey blog you know what some one addressed me Uncle … I have been awarded honorary unclehood (inlines with knighthood) by mother nature for completing successfully a quarter of a century ……

To non brownies reading it, we as brown kids use to and continue to refer all elders as Uncle and Aunts…yeah yeah u guessed is right except Mom and Dad….we don’t have the concept of Mr. Winslo or Mrs. Kathy…….The rich culture of universal unclehood and auntyhood inhibits the use of Mr and Mrs………J

As a kid I had a rule of thumb to address ppl …..blackhair = anna, saltpepper hair = uncle, whitehair = thatha, bald = is he still alive ?? ;). This thumb rule use to work out fine until… I discovered a scientific revolution called a hair dye……….this was big a problem as Y2K... my thumb rule needed a serious mending …I raised a Change Request and started working towards encasement of rules………devised a new rule all people married are Uncles and those lucky bachelors were continued to be addressed as Anna……but then one day I learnt that people get married at different ages ….and a 22 yr married man will be uncle …..but 32 yr unmarried was enjoying the luxury of being addressed as Anna………Then I thought I am doing social injustice ….. that was not fair…… So started devising a set of parameters apart from the ones which I already had and law of averages was used to coin the term Uncle …

Parameters :

*Unclehood forces them to have a check against the calories….. the trans fat…..the salt and many things…Keep you ears wide open at hotels hear them ordering low salt ..low oil food and suger less beverages (Coffee and Tea) ……. BP and Sugar you see ….;)
*You spot them at the laughing clubs in the parks …..making all kinds of strange noise ………clapping the hands for no reasons …..and feeling that they are happy…….See what all qualities you get to inherit from unclehood ;)
*You spot them all the time discussing about the investment options.. especially Life Insurance ……they for sure know that their clock is ticking away …..
*You spot them asking a discount in the shop where you know you wont get discount of a singe penny
*Preferring to shop in a place which is 50 Miles away rather than one at corner of road ….just for Rs 20 discount
*You spot them at temples on Friday evenings and Sunday Mornings…..Sunday evenings at the laundry outlets and collecting a lump of cloths ……and every day with two bags at garbage counter ….and evenings at the vegetables shops handpicking carefully the green vegetables ..

And And I did not get checked against any of the parameters so I am Still not Uncle ……….aaaaaaa..... A sigh of relief

Friday, March 23, 2007

The (in)significant things!!!!!!!

There are so many small insignificant things in life we pass through. Well friends when I sit back and think about them, question haunt me, “Were they really insignificant ?? “

Come Share My Luscious Muffled Notched Memories dudes and dudettes....:)

Life isn't it still ??!

Muddled with thoughts of the dead past, living present mocked with a rat race for an unseen future..................!

I am sure most of us speed our life in this race forgetting the very thought that we are loosing on some of the though trivial......still practically enjoyable moments.......! i have theoritically zeroed upon some of the most "do we call it '(in)' SIGNICANT" ....treasures of your life which are seemingly very beautiful indeed.....:)!

yeah come along am gonna trench through some of the very emotionally touched moments ........The Memories......ummmm "memory is a painter, it paints pictures of the past and the day"..............

The very slots of my life spent with intensity appealed by the feeling, colour, smell, pain, joy................of the memories spent and would spend ...the uniquness it beholds.......!!!! check out....!

:)! Whistle blow of the milk cooker synonymous to suprabhatha !!!gosh!!! which wakes me up ....only to wink those tweeny weeny eyes of mine to just

stare at the window to check in with Sun when he wolud ever forget his ontime duty........with the sheer stretching of my bones i try to drag out of my bed yet hitting my head on to the pillow........just to buck up the last the very dearly sleep.........then follows the grabbing of the news paper....does accompanied by chhirping of bbirds sorry the very kaaaing of my crowie friends......whew i live in a city....!

Yeah but still all these moments are much unnoticed but it carries a subtle beauty of its kind...LOLZ....!!!!!!

Namma Opulent marriages witth their exuberent meals...........:)!

Namma very own Karnataka estyle ........."Uttta" served on big plantain leaf......yummmmmmm!...:) God save the Bride and Groom.....who stand there for an life time commitment sori (punishment) smeard with eeks too much of makeup......Now come on who bothers ......Please accept!!! most of us go in to the Khanna-khazana thoughts at the thought of attending a wedding.......ya still partailly to have a glimpse at all the too vey goodly sometimes weirdly dresses the girls ware.......and during luch we are all made to sit in rows and food served in steel buxkets and relatives forcing us to eat an extra sweet .....Look lets accept at this.......these are memories trivial to that day but always a most (in) significant cherishable moments......:)!

The evening strolls with frineds across the length and breath of streets in Rajajinagar, Bangalore…. pit stops at churmuri….., MTR Ice Cream…. Ganesh Fruit Juice Center,…. Thatha Panipoori gadi and finally the Papdi Masala wala WOW....:)!

Watching Cricket matches with friends and family. A ring and a cut to phones of janatha who are not watching match with us .....on fall of every wicket or for every boundary scored and getting it back as a notification of the event...!!:)!

The gully cricket (better off playing guuly than geting beaten up playing internatinally) where I use to bend the rules according to the situation on hands, like when balls are hit to neighboures houses by me its not out....but then if some one else hit they are 'ruled out' :)! Cheating to win the matches. Skipping a run or two when I use to tally the score.

Riding the bike after 'she' is fresh from the service station and felling as if she is new again.

Escaping the baits of the ambushed police constables on the rides back from college and consciously winking at boo wooo face of them for they would have lost a potential couple of 100 bucks.

Celebrating the joyous moments of victory when we buy the last few tickets for a movie before being sold out…..yet cursing the person who gave the idea to watch that movie if its not very appealing to us. And usually I use to be at receiving end for this U C dats ME.....;)!!!!!!

The two player NFS 2 game and the game of snooker…..and I use to always win on anyone as I knew cheat codes for both of the games

Just random thoughts, may be I have tooo much time to cool of my heels at work with blogs.....LOLZ!!!!!!..............all memories with its subtleness....loved it thoroughly.....!!!!!:)!!!!!!..................................

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Nature hums a fresh song everyday, creates a new rythm every minute;

Hi...:)! buddies Good morning!......

My first moment on the first day of this Spring unwinded, my sight drew close to the clear window panes of my apartment room. Beautiful as it semmed my senses were caught into the seemingly lush green baseball stadium of MSOE's (Milwaukee School of Engineering). Snow flakes draped the stadium partly. I could smell the gloomy moist air in my room itself. Expected the day to get warmer.

The day was setting in with a slight warmness in the weather it was almost 13 C from a couple of days. There was spring admist snowy weather. wow! it was truely awesome.

I was pondering about with my early basic chores to wind up so that i could soon bask in the sun and get to smell the air for its plesent morning glorious muddy odour...:)!

I did with my shower and breakfast and set out wid a knee lenght overcoat looking smart as usual Lolz;)! oops but hooked with my lappy gosh which gave too much a professional look! headed right towards my office.

Whew :( ! there was no fragrance in the air as in expected, due to rise in temperture in the past few days the mighty Michigan lake had melted, the entire downtown was stinking with the smell of dead fish.Many Seagulls around the place cleary glanced the sight with many fishes dead around.

On the way to my office my thoughts ran down my memory lanes of the good old rainy days back in my hometown thats Bangalore. I started to get nostalgic, which is an usual feeling from when i have been here in WI. My home town draws me close to memories spent with lots of love and excitment with my lovely family and friends.

Usually Bangalore has no defined climates its always a hybrid of seasons but still a pleasent place to live in:)! It receives showers during the mid March.

Hmmm now to say the month March, drives me close to one of the pleasent relaxed months of the year, since thats the time when we being children then would have completed with our annual exams. Then when it used to pour i used to sit and peer through the window just to galnce the bubbly weather out there on the lanes. Waited till my dad left to office and as usual granny and mom wuld get busy with the kitchen chores and my grandpa with his books! but still i was never restricted from having my presence of mind to practically enjoy the down pours wasn't i lucky dudes...:)!

I used to naughtily land on the terrace top not to glimpse at any girls ;) but to explore the beauty of mother nature with her light showeres on my cool innocent head ....i mean innocent!

Yo i still was kiddish i used to shoo away the birds around with a splash of water or pelting pebbles. I guess am not too resolved i still do it sometimes ;)!

The moist mild odour of the mud sliced with the sound of gutter lanes gushing with water and the leaves fluttering and sometimes a loud thud of window panes woooooo isn't all this a theoritical picturesque of my nostalgic sense. Common dudes won't you all appreciate this??!:) still more to go common get the presence of my senses in what i felt through my childhood.:)

know what i use to block the rain water outlets with bricks so that water clogs on the terrace for some time, once it had stopped raining I use to make paper boats and play on the terrace. Some times I use to block the outlets and when I finally remove the stoppers the water use to gush out of the terrace to ground floor with real force. No Jog falls dudes...but still small water falls :)!
It use to be so much fun doing that.
Later when I was in higher primary school I use to enjoy riding bicycle on the roads and grounds flooded with water, splashing water all over the place. Naughty me...:)!
College was no different riding bikes after it rains use to be soo much fun. There use to be lesser traffic and no policeman so we could jump traffic signals. The hot bajjis or somosa or benne masala dosa at CTR with friends on a rainy evening, the gossips, film discussion, the arguments we had on cricket team selection discussion, chats on latest technologies, the new games , the national geographic shows and rarely about the semester exams. A game of cards with all friends. I being blamed by everyone for cheating and winning the games as usual ;)!.

Rainy days use to be so much fun wow!!!!!. Gosh those were the best days of my life.Today’s a mile walk to office was so refreshing. I relived the moments. Unwound my memories.:)!The good old rainy days I miss you dearly!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Why are days so differnet ??

Weekend was so much fun I had been out on a ski trip to Alpine resort, I thoroughly enjoyed the falls the tumbles the roll overs on snow. I loved it when the white kids were staring at brown man (your's truly) and thinking why are browns so horrible when it comes to skiing. The kids who were learning skiing from their moms had a little wicked smile at me. I even heard one of the ladies explaining her daughter if you dont wedge the ski you will tumble like that gentleman.

After such a joyous weekend, came the wicked Monday, really wicked. I got up late as I was tired of skiing, found internet was down, I was unable to check mails was or call home. I rushed to office missing regular bbt (bread butter toast) breakfast. As luck would had played the trick got into lots of work. A Siebel Migration from development to Test and had conked up, I had to literally fix hell a lot of things, I was so busy I could not even follow the score when India was batting so magnificently. Lunch was so horrible there was almost nothing veg in the cafeteria. Finally at 5:00 I was packing my laptop, my desk phone range Siebel Production Server had come down, as there were no other Siebel admins, I had to take care of that call and started fixing it time flew past mid night but no luck, windows clusters had screwed up the entire environment, fiayy at 4:00 in the morning I was able to pinpoint the exact cause of the Server failure. I had to miss the dinner too :(, had lots of soda to keep me going. I was so down as all these happened on the first day of lunar calendar year (Uagadi Karnataka/Andra/Maharastra New year).

As I had worked so much y'day I went to office at 10:00 AM today, fixed the production issue, all the work requests that came in were either closed or cancelled, I came back home by 1:30, watched Satte pe satta and Bunty aur Bubbly, Today was so much relief. I enjoyed today.

But then why are days so different ?? Why cant it be alike always relaxed with lots of fun ?? I never understand