Thursday, April 12, 2007

So, What are your Hobbies ???

So, What are your Hobbies ???
A: Coaching lions n tigers to be man eaters, language classes for insects….classes of spying in office......dishum many more are there

My Mobile: Tring Tring…. Tring Tring … Tring Tring
Superman: Hello Good evening, Thanks for calling 1 – 800 – MADHAV, how can I help you today??
DumbMan: Teri tho sale…Coming out for dinner??
Superman: :) What time .. I am already hungry??
DumbMan: Abhi Chal…neeche Aaja ….

A bunch of us went on an expedition to Indian restaurant…it is 25 Miles drive form the place i call surrogate home. Once we drive away from downtown, it’s a boring drive… empty huge and wide roads just a couple of cars here and there...... lawns of wild grass and flowers on both the sides of roads ..more like windows walpaper, melting snow, some seagulls….I was getting bored, I started tuning into some FM stations.. tuned to 91.7 BBC News…

Host …Welcome to Talk of Town…..Today we have with us Sharon a bug collector..
Good Evening Sharon ...Thanks for coming into the show …..

Sheron… Good Evening and My Pleasure to attend a show

Host.... So Sharon…What are your hobbies apart from collecting bugs??

Eeks It’s the wicked question again “So, What are your hobbies” …. Human race has nurtured this question a long long long way ….. the funniest thing about this question…….9 out of 10 ppl answering this question will bull shit….At least me..... I never had a answer for this question but still I have been bull shitting when ever I am shot with tis question……

On a serious note … Hobbies are no longer personal stuff. Now they are not the private affairs, practised in one's free time to soothen one's nerves. Meaning of Hobby is - auxiliary activity….. it is something which is not your primary activity,,,If my primary activity is to be awake most of the day …my hobby is automically is to sleep….as simple as it …

As a kid when ever relatives use to visit my place they use to carefully extract My First Name..Last Name …school Name ….what class…what section ….whats the teachers name …..friends name ……after they are done with their cencus.. the final blow will come….So What are your hobbies…. At that age I never had any hobby …. But then its Prestige Issue ,,,,, I use to bullshit ….reading and playing cricket …… even though all I played was “I Spy” (Eyes Spice Local Lingo ;))…Lagori (a game played with a ball and couple of stones…bacchas) …. Jooth ata(Catch me if u can) ….I don’t know why are these not classified as Hobbies

As a teenager my answer used to be more refined…I could not afford to tell that I play cricket….People use to feel that I am not studios and wasting lot of time playing……So I use to trick them telling I read novels …..but then they had become wiser tooo……who do u read…..I am a smart chap…. Solid answer …. Sheldon……but reality is I have only read Tinkle ….. Gokul….. Amara Chita katha,,,,chandamama…..apart from Supadi …Shikari Shambu …. Chacha choudry comic strips .. there is nothing much I have read …….

Once we are in college it was tough for me, i had to prepare resumes for projects …interviews….but then I did not have enough stuff to put in it…so I use to fill the resumes with some crazy stuff like hobbies and membership to elite clubs…. In resume also I have bull shitted .. like reading books and traveling …but then its was done intentionally ….. reading to tell world that I am a very studious guy an I know lot of stuff,,,and traveling to tell ppl that I am ready to travel put me onsite…….Once some HR asked me what all places have you traveled as hobby…. I was taken by surprise……. Tricked him some weird non existent village names chakoripur..bimalpur…telling him they were scenic spots in jharkand….in reality my longest journey is between My home n Electronic City …… some 200 times a year coz I use to work there … ;)

Forget Me…Big B and King Khan ….how many times the have asked participants “So,What are your hobbies”….ground reality is they have run out of topics to speak…so they shoot this ugly question for which the standard answer by our aam janatha is watching your stupid movies………Movies have come and gone but the screen names are still Vijay for Big B and Rahul for King Khan ….. and lolz one mimics the other in Movie..DON

Weird thing is that in many old south Indian movies relationships and dating begins with this question “So, what are your hobbies ?? “…… Man this question mighty weapon a lethal one ……. Used on poor little living beigs like yours truly who dosent have hobbies………

By the way what are your hobbies ???


Manju said...

sakkath maam ... very well written.
so, what r ur hobbies now other than BLOGGing ?

Subha Devanathan said...

mine is reading ur blogs :P

Unknown said...

Too good da.... was reading ur blogs..... hillarious to the core :D