Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wonderful way of writing an Officail mail ... Love it !!!!!!!

--------Actual Mail from one of the Program Managers to us ----------

Courtesy -- Julie Beth Shaw

Okay, kids. Here's the deal. We have had some pretty sad attendance numbers at our last few deployment meetings. I know, I know. You'd rather be watching paint dry or cutting your lawn with a pair of scissors rather than sit through yet another fun-filled deployment meeting. Believe me, this isn't my first chose in activities either. Be that as it may, we only have five more days (gulp!) until deployment starts on June 1st. While the plan is starting to take shape, I really need everyone at the remainder of the deployment meetings to solidify communication plans, go/no go checkpoints, and to give the final head-nod on Plan A versus Plan B. If you don't know what Plan A and Plan B are, you really need to start attending the meetings. There are several tasks that still have outstanding questions or do not have a primary resource assigned; I'll be sending separate follow up emails to the impacted folks. I am planning to freeze the plan at the end of the week, so please review the attached plan and visual timeline and get any changes to me by noon tomorrow (Friday).
So suck it up. We only have a week of this stuff left. Don't make me beg and make puppy dog eyes at you - just attend the meetings. And I don't want to have to make someone much scarier than me bully you into attending.

Awsome way of wriing right ?? Lively yet pusing you to atten meeting !!!!! This is wat i call an art and Julie is a true artist.


Divsy.... said...

Oh have posted this too...??Its really terrible...not even thinking how the reader might feel....
Anyways....i think you would also like to write something like this to someone, someday!!

Madhava Prakash said...

Hmmmm .... I posted this just because I was not written to me .....

Madhava Prakash said...

and was writeen to you :P

Anonymous said...

I think this is awesome. Very real at some point.