Sunday, March 25, 2007

Unclehood and Auntyhood Lolz

Hey blog you know what some one addressed me Uncle … I have been awarded honorary unclehood (inlines with knighthood) by mother nature for completing successfully a quarter of a century ……

To non brownies reading it, we as brown kids use to and continue to refer all elders as Uncle and Aunts…yeah yeah u guessed is right except Mom and Dad….we don’t have the concept of Mr. Winslo or Mrs. Kathy…….The rich culture of universal unclehood and auntyhood inhibits the use of Mr and Mrs………J

As a kid I had a rule of thumb to address ppl …..blackhair = anna, saltpepper hair = uncle, whitehair = thatha, bald = is he still alive ?? ;). This thumb rule use to work out fine until… I discovered a scientific revolution called a hair dye……….this was big a problem as Y2K... my thumb rule needed a serious mending …I raised a Change Request and started working towards encasement of rules………devised a new rule all people married are Uncles and those lucky bachelors were continued to be addressed as Anna……but then one day I learnt that people get married at different ages ….and a 22 yr married man will be uncle …..but 32 yr unmarried was enjoying the luxury of being addressed as Anna………Then I thought I am doing social injustice ….. that was not fair…… So started devising a set of parameters apart from the ones which I already had and law of averages was used to coin the term Uncle …

Parameters :

*Unclehood forces them to have a check against the calories….. the trans fat…..the salt and many things…Keep you ears wide open at hotels hear them ordering low salt ..low oil food and suger less beverages (Coffee and Tea) ……. BP and Sugar you see ….;)
*You spot them at the laughing clubs in the parks …..making all kinds of strange noise ………clapping the hands for no reasons …..and feeling that they are happy…….See what all qualities you get to inherit from unclehood ;)
*You spot them all the time discussing about the investment options.. especially Life Insurance ……they for sure know that their clock is ticking away …..
*You spot them asking a discount in the shop where you know you wont get discount of a singe penny
*Preferring to shop in a place which is 50 Miles away rather than one at corner of road ….just for Rs 20 discount
*You spot them at temples on Friday evenings and Sunday Mornings…..Sunday evenings at the laundry outlets and collecting a lump of cloths ……and every day with two bags at garbage counter ….and evenings at the vegetables shops handpicking carefully the green vegetables ..

And And I did not get checked against any of the parameters so I am Still not Uncle ……….aaaaaaa..... A sigh of relief


Subha Devanathan said...

lol.... dude.. u aren't uncle :)

Pallavi! said...

Whos uncle......
Got a little confused all over ....
nice writing....!!

Madhava Prakash said...

Pallavi ..... see wat r u speaking #$!@$!#@$!@#$!@#$!

Pallavi! said...

Sori UNCLE.....;)!

after u have jotted down the parameters so very job great writing...!

U show serious symptoms of ......being a silver jubliee!!!!;)!

Keep going uncle .....kudos
thers full flowing thoughts with lotz of life in ur blogs....!

Pallavi! said...
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Pallavi! said...

Am serious i can contradict each of ur parameter corresponding instances of urs.....i am sure they are not inversely proportional....and ha u can reciprocate to my views.....but still am sure win the argument....!!!
If u d'nt understand a bit above then it means u know the fact still not ready to agree....but still am sure of wat i meant....:))! ok never mind......Bliss..:)!
you want me to contadict...???!:)

i know u don't want ...;)!

Madhava Prakash said...

Speak English please .... i did not understand a bit !!!!!

Pallavi! said...

Speak English please .... i did not understand a bit !!!!!

i did pen down english.....
look over agian..!

"If u d'nt understand a bit above then it means u know the fact still not ready to agree...."...isnt it U****

blogger said...

Madhav Uncle...U rock!!

Pallavi! said...

Uncle Uncle YOU really rock rock...;)!