Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Why are days so differnet ??

Weekend was so much fun I had been out on a ski trip to Alpine resort, I thoroughly enjoyed the falls the tumbles the roll overs on snow. I loved it when the white kids were staring at brown man (your's truly) and thinking why are browns so horrible when it comes to skiing. The kids who were learning skiing from their moms had a little wicked smile at me. I even heard one of the ladies explaining her daughter if you dont wedge the ski you will tumble like that gentleman.

After such a joyous weekend, came the wicked Monday, really wicked. I got up late as I was tired of skiing, found internet was down, I was unable to check mails was or call home. I rushed to office missing regular bbt (bread butter toast) breakfast. As luck would had played the trick got into lots of work. A Siebel Migration from development to Test and had conked up, I had to literally fix hell a lot of things, I was so busy I could not even follow the score when India was batting so magnificently. Lunch was so horrible there was almost nothing veg in the cafeteria. Finally at 5:00 I was packing my laptop, my desk phone range Siebel Production Server had come down, as there were no other Siebel admins, I had to take care of that call and started fixing it time flew past mid night but no luck, windows clusters had screwed up the entire environment, fiayy at 4:00 in the morning I was able to pinpoint the exact cause of the Server failure. I had to miss the dinner too :(, had lots of soda to keep me going. I was so down as all these happened on the first day of lunar calendar year (Uagadi Karnataka/Andra/Maharastra New year).

As I had worked so much y'day I went to office at 10:00 AM today, fixed the production issue, all the work requests that came in were either closed or cancelled, I came back home by 1:30, watched Satte pe satta and Bunty aur Bubbly, Today was so much relief. I enjoyed today.

But then why are days so different ?? Why cant it be alike always relaxed with lots of fun ?? I never understand


Subha Devanathan said...

congrats!! u've started writing :) and the first comment comes from me :) y do u crib so much about work dude??

Madhava Prakash said...

Work !!!! Che .... dont remin me that.... No sane men enjoy work !!!

Pallavi! said...

I bet you are very lucky STOP Cribing.....!!!!!

atleast don't prove yourself a hypocrite....;)!

that means innobarge crib madbeda annokintha modalu guru sarigirbeku alwa...?!!!

Unknown said...

oh...cool.....i never knew u cn write so much.......but dude... 'SIEBEL' is the best thing dat can ever happen to u :) U r made for it n itz made for u..'Made for each othr' kinds ;)....So,chilll....let others also know how much u r crazy for it...;)

blogger said...

Siebel......I can imagine!! Hardwork always pays. So stop cribbing.He he...:)